Because of their underdeveloped brains and heightened impulsivity, children and teenagers are more likely to have troublesome relationships with gaming.
As parents, it is our responsibility to monitor our kids. Guide them in all the activities that they are participating into. In today’s world, the gaming and gambling industry has a big impact on our children’s lives. So, it is better if we support them all throughout to keep them away from falling into gambling disorder.
How to Prevent Your Child to Have a Gambling Disorder
Here are some steps you may take as a parent to help stop your kid from getting a gaming or gambling disorder.
1-Keep an eye on your personal gambling and gaming behavior.
Parents frequently have the biggest impact on young people’s gambling. Think carefully about the kinds of things you expose your kids to, such as playing games with loot boxes, betting on sports, or buying lottery tickets.
2-Recognize the kinds of games your children enjoy.
67% of parents play video games with their children at least once a week. This might assist you in identifying which games are secure and which ones require closer supervision or outright bans.
3-Limit your everyday time.
Instead of being a necessity or a right, gaming should be a privilege. Setting time restrictions allows your kids to discover other things to do to pass the time.
4-Tell your youth about the risks associated with loot boxes.
You should educate your child on the negative effects that gaming, especially with regard to loot boxes, might have on them.