Avid gamblers worldwide are hoping that Pay and Play online casinos will become widely available, not only in select countries like Sweden, Germany, finland and The Netherlands. However, there is still much to be understood about Pay and Play casino gaming for its casinos to attain mainstream status. Although a Pay and Play casino does not require players to submit IDs, identities are still being verified through the technologies of the third party payment service provider.
Why Major Gambling Regulators are Not Keen on Embracing Pay and Play Gaming Concept
Many believe that the only way for Pay and Play or a.k.a. No Account Casinos, to gain widespread acceptance is if leading gambling regulators in different regulatory landscapes will include them under their licensing and supervisory oversight. However, observers believe that the No Account Casino concept will require more innovations that will enable regulators to develop ways by which their regulatory framework will apply in effectively protecting customers.
Moreover, the No Account Casino brand immediately denotes deviating from the basic Know-Your-Customer” (KYC) policy that casino operators must carry out in compliance with policies prescribed by international Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Acts. That is notwithstanding that in truth, identity verification is still being fulfilled but using a streamlined approach.
Rather than require a player to open an account and require submission of identification documents (IDs), a Pay and Play site will simply ask a player to have, or to open an account with the casino’s affiliate online payment processor. Since payment processors and financial gateways are required to strictly observe the KYC policy, the Pay and Play casino will simply obtain information pertaining to the identity of their casino customers from the affiliate payment processor or payment gateway.
How Does a Pay and Play or No Account Online Casino Obtain Personal Information about Customers
First off, when an affiliate or third party payment service provider and the Pay and Play customer interacts, security of information is protected through the use of a 2-factor identification method. The first factor requiere the TPPSP user/casino customer to login to his or her account using user ID, username and correct password. The second factor will enable the user to proceed with the transaction by submitting a one-time security code sent by way of an SMS to the user’s phone.
The convenience of being able to obtain personal information without bothering an onboarding player to furnish details and IDs can be done way of a method known as screen scraping.
Screen scraping is a widely used practice in an open baking system in which a Third Party Payment Service Provider (TPPSP) acts as go-between a merchant and a customer, which in a Pay and Play site is the online casino player. Through an automated and programmable platform, the TPPSP can extract encrypted data related to a user when giving instructions for whom a payment will made.
In which case, the TPPSP will provide the Pay and Play casino scraped encrypted data pertaining to the personal information of an onboarding customer. Simply put, the screen scraping action cuts short the identity verification process.
If in reading this you are now convinced that playing at a No Account Casino is a secure gaming option, simply choose from the list of Pay and Play online casinos reviewed by Casinochap.